- STEM, LIteracy and Computation in Education for School Leaders. (SLICE-SL). East Tennessee State University. US Department of Education. 2022-2025.
- Strategic Teaching to Engage Military Minds. (STEM-M). Onslow County Schools. Department of Defense Education Activity. 2021-2026.
- Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation (IMSI). University of Chicago. NSF Award #1929348. 2020-2025.
- Increasing Student Enrollment, Education, and Employment in Chemical Technology (CT-MERGES). Cape Fear Community College. NSF Award # 1956274. 2020-2023.
- Integrating STEM and Literacy with Computation in Elementary Education (iSLICEE). East Tennessee State University. US Department of Education Teacher Quality Program.
- Science Gateways Community Institute (SGCI). NSF Award# ACI-1547611. 2016-2021.
- Chemical Technology - Enrolling Technicians and Improving Community Engagement (CT-EnTICE). Cape Fear Community College. NSF Award # 1601564. 2016-2019.
- College and Career Ready: Opening Doors with Virtual Opportunities. Onslow County Schools. Department of Defense Education Activity. 2016-2019.
- CyVerse (The iPlant Collaborative: A Cyberinfrastructure-Centered Community for a New Plant Biology). NSF Grant No. DBI-0735191 and DBI-1265383. 2008-2018.
- MathTLC. Brunswick County Schools. NC Department of Public Instruction. MSP. 2015-2018.
- MATH: EAGER: Evaluating Life Science Data Use in Mathematical Concept Learning Goals. University of Tennessee Knoxville. 2015-2017. NSF Award #1544375.
- Chem-Techathon: Renewing Interest in Science Education. Cape Fear Community College. Burroughs Wellcome Fund. 2014-2017.
- Coastal Connections. Jones County Schools. NC Department of Public Instruction. MSP. 2014-2017.
- Essentially Science Plus (ESPlus). Lee County Schools. NC Department of Public Instruction. MSP. 2014-2017.
- Students@SC. SC15. Student impact survey. 2015.
- Experiencing HPC for Undergraduates. SC14. NSF Award #1341349.
- Math Achievement Common Core (MACC). Brunswick County Schools. NC Department of Public Instruction. MSP. 2012-2015.
- Problem Based Math (PBM). Onslow County Schools. NC Department of Public Instruction. MSP. 2012-2015.
- Teaching Multicore and Many-Core Programming at a Higher Level of Abstraction. University of North Carolina Wilmington. NSF Award # 1141006.
- Essentially Science. Lee County Schools. NC Department of Public Instruction. MSP. 2011-2014.
- Physics Is Essential. Beaufort County Schools. NC Department of Public Instruction. MSP. 2011-2014.
- Using Marine Mammals to Communicate Solutions to Ocean Issues. NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher. NOAA. 2009-2013.
- SC11. Determining the "health" of the SC Conference Series. 2011 - 2012.
- Bridges. Onslow County Schools. NC Department of Public Instruction. Onslow County Schools. MSP. 2009-2012.
- Math Achievement Success Today (MAST). Brunswick County Schools. NC Department of Public Instruction. MSP. 2009-2012.
- Onslow Connect. Department of Defense Education Activity award to Onslow County Schools. 2009-2012.
- Project WATERS. Cape Fear Community College. NSF Award # 1003564. 2010-2012.
- Biotechnology Educational Enhancement Grant. University of North Carolina Wilmington. NC Biotechnology award.
- Collaborative Research: Enhancing Teaching of Grid Computing to Undergraduate Students by using a Workflow Editor. University of North Carolina Wilmington. NSF Award #
- Partnership for Improving Mathematical Understanding of Students and Teachers (PIMUST). Columbus County Schools. NC Department of Public Instruction, MSP.
- Educational Network Venture into Science/Math Instruction, Outreach, and North Carolina Standards (ENVISIONS). Onslow County Schools. NC Department of Public Instruction,
- Science Course Development Initiative. Watson School of Education and UNCW Science Departments. University of North Carolina Wilmington.
- Increasing and Retaining STEM Majors through Virtual Learning Communities. University of North Carolina at Wilmington. NSF Award # 0442901.
- Rocky Mountain Middle School Math and Science Partnership (RM-MSMSP). University of Colorado at Denver. NSF Award # 0412343.
- Fostering Undergraduate Research Partnerships through a Graphical User Environment for the North Carolina Computing Grid. University of North Carolina at Wilmington.
University of North Carolina Office of the President.
- NSDL: Integrating Digital Libraries and Traditional Libraries: A Model for Sustaining NSDL Collections (iLumina). University of North Carolina Wilmington. NSF Award
- Anytime, Anywhere Chemistry Experience. University of North Carolina Wilmington. The Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE). Sloan Award recipient. Award #